Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hoffman: Ch. 1-5

     Including this reading by Hoffman was a great way to keep us in tact with everything we've have previously discussed in class, bust allowed us, as readers, to view the topic in a different way. Several topics that arouse during these first five chapters made my mind wonder, noticing that I hadn't paid attention to, reading the previous two novels.
     The subject that caught my attention the most, was in reference to the story of the young girl who died during the Great Depression because of the low income her family had been struggling with. With her mom stating that her daughter had passed away due to their family doctor not wanting to treat her, due to the fact that their finances could not pay for the services needing to be provided.
     This brought a personal connection to me, because just recently, my uncle was close to being denied treatment when entering a emergency room for a throbbing headache and ear ringing feeling, that caused him to tilt his head to the side whenever he walked. Because my uncle does not have medical insurance, employees of the hospital did not want to treat him, because they were unsure how they would get paid for their services.
     They chose to treat him, anyway, and instead, bill him for whatever had to be done. After finding out that he had had a severe ear infection, it was truly a blessing that caregivers chose to bill him, instead of denying him access to treatment. Had he not gotten anything done about this, he could have eventually had more severe issues with his head and ear, and could possibly lose his ability to ear out of that ear. 

1 comment:

  1. Good example. So what do you think is the solution?
