Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Altman: Pt. 4-Epilogue

     Power, Politics, and Universal Health Care, information was again reinforced from prior parts of the book. One thing that I did enjoy about the reading, overall, is that it is an updated book that gives information for things that are currently going on in our health care system. Implementing facts about the bills that our current president, Barack Obama, has tried to enforce on our systems, allowed me to better open up to the reading and its information. A lot of individuals feel as though, the President's title of running the country, gives him the authority to pass any laws are bills that he would like to see put to use within our country, but as this portion of the book tells us, this is not true. With the help of different branches, laws are either passed or vetoed due to the "opinions" of other executives. Personally, this gave me better insight on the political side of health care and how we, the people, are handled. Despite me gaining further knowledge, I still do not believe that things will change any time soon. Understanding that the political system with how laws work has been put in action, for decades prior to the terms that Barack Obama has served, it will be hard for the United States, as a whole, to be on the same page with how things should and should not be run, with so many different opinions. 

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